Dilution Chart
The following charts apply only to the highest quality, purest essential oils available. Always check with your essential oil provider to verify safe essential oil usage and always follow label guidelines.
Topical Dilution:
Adults and Children:
Neat: 1:1 (50/50)
Sensitive: 1:2 (1/3 essential oil, 2/3 carrier oil)
Hot: 1:3 (1/4 essential oil, 3/4 carrier oil)
*All oils: at least 1:5 or more (1/6 essential oil, 5/6 carrier oil)
Topical and Internal Dosage:
Topical: up to 3-6 drops essential oil per dose, 12-36 drops every 24 hours
Capsule: up to 2-4 drops essential oil per dose, 12-24 drops every 24 hours
Oral: up to 1-3 drops essential oil per dose, 4-18 drops every 24 hours
Topical: up to 1-2 drops essential oil per dose, 3-13 drops every 24 hours
Capsule: up to 1-2 drops essential oil per dose, 3-13 drops every 24 hours
Oral: Not recommended
*Topical: Much less than you would use for children
Internal: Do Not Use
For essential oils of lower or questionable quality and purity, adults should dilute much more heavily for topical use and should avoid internal use. Use extreme caution with children and avoid use with infants. The following charts are commonly recommended within the industry for lower quality essential oils. Always check with your essential oil provider to verify safe essential oil usage and always follow label guidelines.
Recommended Dilution:
Children Under 6: .5-1% dilution
Children over 6: 1-2% dilution
Adults: 2-10% dilution
How To Reach Recommended Dilution:
.5% dilution: 1 drop essential oil to 2 tsp. carrier oil
1% dilution: 1 drop essential oil to 1 tsp. carrier oil
5% dilution: 5 drops essential oil to 1 tsp. carrier oil
10% dilution: 10 drops essential oil to 1 tsp. carrier oil
*100 drops = 1 tsp. = 5 mL = 1/6 oz.